No-Diet Diet Series: Introduction

An Introduction to the No-Diet Diet

A positive revolution in health

I have seen all the Fad diets come…and then go…

  • In the 1970’s the fad was taking pills that would reduce your hunger- making you ultimately lose weight.  Remember fen-phen?  While both pills reduced hunger pangs, reports of hypertension, hemorrhagic stroke, and heart lesions got them removed from the market a few years later.

  • In the 80’s, it was all about low fat diets.  Anything with less fat was the popular trend.  Well, it turns out fat is a major ingredient in the flavor of foods.  There was just one catch- to make the food not taste like cardboard, what did they add- SUGAR!  Well, we know how all that turned out! Obesity sky-rocketed and has not slowed down since.  Maybe they should have taken sugar off the market like they did fen-phen!

  • In the 90’s, low carb diets took off- remember the Atkins diet?  I particularly liked that one- I could have an even larger Ribeye steak- and cheese!  The original Atkins diet limited you to no more than 5 carbs per day.  Of course, carbohydrates are a major building block to sustaining energy and life.  Ultimately most of us on the Atkins diet ended up sitting in the corner with a piece of meat and a block of cheese- while not having the energy to get out of the seat!

  • Nowadays, the diet-of-choice is generally focused on counting and limiting something.  Some count and limit carbs.  For some, it’s just about counting calories- you know, the old “calories-in/calories out” theory.  These diets will work for a while.  Then our bodies will start to respond to these changes, and your metabolism will start to slow down.  The weight loss will stop, the hunger pangs will increase, and we end up putting back on more weight than we lost!  This Roller coaster that diets create is not only frustrating to us but unhealthy. 

The point is, “give up” diets aren’t sustainable!

This year, let’s reject the newest “Diet Flavor of the Month” club.  No more:

  • Counting calories

  • Counting carbs

  • Counting fats.

  • Counting sugar.

  • Feeling guilty when ultimately it doesn’t work

Let’s try a new approach.

Instead of spending all our time counting, starving, failing, and feeling guilty about what we eat, let’s approach our health with a long-term POSITIVE attitude.  Let’s replace “What we CAN’T eat” with “The foods I CAN eat that nourish and replenish my body”.  Instead of guilt about failing our diet again, let’s set our course in a positive direction- daily decisions that positively impact your health, increase your energy, help you sleep better, and create an active lifestyle that promotes vitality and a love for life every day. 

That’s why, this year, we’re giving up gimmicky weight loss dieting for real, systemic change. We’re taking a journey on the No-Diet Diet. We’d love for you to join us in this positive revolution in health change.

The Five Steps of No-Diet Diet

  1. Change Your Habits

  2. Eat REAL food

  3. Make the switch to natural sweeteners

  4. Crowd out artificially sweetened drinks

  5. Move your body daily

Join us

Over the next 6 weeks, we’ll be diving deeper into these five steps to learn how we can make long-term positive changes to impact our health and wellbeing. We hope you’ll join us— and see just how these positive changes can make lasting impacts!

Bobby Bland CIHC, SLCP
Chief Inspiration Officer, Snack Lab

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