No-Diet Diet: BONUS! Self-Affirmation

No-Diet Diet- Bonus!


Change the way you think and speak

A big part of the No-Diet-Diet journey is changing the way you think and speak.  Part of that mentality is positive talking.  Positive language concerning food and eating habits is vital to sticking to a healthy lifestyle.  Most "diets" are destined to fail, which brings on feelings of guilt and shame.  NO-DIET-DIET IS NOT A DIET- IT IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE!  If you fail one day, that doesn't ruin you forever.  When you change your lifestyle, failures only make you stronger in the long run.  Believe me, once you are off most of the processed sugar in your life, it's those moments when you slip up or overindulge that will reassure for you how your body doesn't need sugar like that anymore.  Here are some do's and don’ts for how you need to talk with your lifestyle change:


            ---I'm not allowed to eat that

            ---I wish I could eat that

            ---I'd kill for some chocolate

            ---I've failed

            ---I cheated

            ---I should be doing better by now

Turn it around.  Remember this is about positive change.


            ---I CHOOSE to eat this

            ---I CHOOSE not to eat that

            ---I am more than what I eat

            ---I'm am doing so well

            ---Today, I am happy, healthy and in control of my life

            ---What can I learn from this?